Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Space Museum, Part 3

The episode picks up where we left off, with the Doctor being taken to the preparation room and the museum staff gathering around the TARDIS.  Ian and Barbara discuss the relative merits of making changes to the future.  They listen at the door as the soldiers discuss their capture outside and they are found by a soldier who approaches them from behind.  Ian confronts the soldier and attacks him and Barbara and Vicki run.  Ian overcomes the soldier and another soldier who tried to help capture him as Barbara and Vicki get separated while running from their pursuers.  Vicki is grabbed by the rebels as Barbara is inadvertently locked in a storage room.  One of the rebels finds Barbara and the two of them encounter a gas released into the building to flush them out.  Vicki goes to the armory with the rebels and tries to help them overcome the electronic lock. Barbara and her companion are overcome by the gas.  Ian captures the governor and forces them to take him to the Doctor.  The episode end with us seeing Ian's reaction when he sees the Doctor, but we don't see the Doctor ... yet.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Space Museum, Part 2

It has been a while since I watched part 1 of this story, and sitting down to part 2 was a welcome diversion from my hectic days.

The second episode starts with two staff persons discussing their jobs, when they are told of the arrival of the TARDIS.  A group of rebels discusses the arrival of the TARDIS travelers.  The Travelers discuss their course of action, and they start trying to find their way out of the museum.  The Doctor is grabbed by the rebels and taken away from the others.  Barbara, Vicki and Ian argue what to do in the Doctor's absence, and the Doctor escapes from the rebels by hiding inside a Dalek display, but is captured by the museum staff.  He is questioned by the governor who uses thought projection device to read the Doctor's mind.  The Doctor resists the questioning and the governor decides that he would be more useful as an exhibit.  As the episode ends, the guards arrive to take the Doctor to the preparation room ...

I will continue watching and blogging on this episode in the not too far future.